About Project
This project was an architecturally designed commercial redevelopment in the heart of Ipswich that required high quality construction and finishes. Set in the main street of Ipswich it involved demolition of old buildings, as well as amalgamation of existing buildings ranging from 160 years old to new structures on multiple levels with varying types of construction.
Construction of the adjoining multi-level carpark to service the newly redeveloped precinct.
After completion of the above works it was a council requirement to upgrade the service road, off the main road (Limestone St). 360 Builders completed the upgrade as part of this project.
Key capabilities
Redevelopment of 160 Brisbane St, Ipswich to retail, office and dining precinct, Multi-Level Carpark and Service Road Upgrade to Limestone St, Ipswich
Project Location: Brisbane St, Ipswich
Project Duration: 18 months